Welcome Back to School!

Welcome back TRS family! The first week of the 2021-2022 school year is officially in the books! It seems like we were just wishing students well as they entered into their summer break and here we are back in school. After a quiet and hot summer, hearing the laughter and voices of our students playing on the playground and learning in their classrooms brings us immense joy! 


We are so excited about how our TRS family continues to grow. In 2014-2015, when we opened our doors for the first time, 45 students were enrolled. The Lord’s continued faithfulness is an encouragement to my soul as we enter into our eighth year.

Fourth grade student London Jackson says, “the best part of the first week of school are the teachers, our new classmates and no homework.” Well, the homework will definitely come and TRS is excited to have 37 new students enrolled in our program, for a total of more than 130 students in grades K4 through 7th! 


In the weeks and months to come, London says she looks forward to learning more multiplication. Janae Bailey, London’s older sister, now in 6th grade says, “I hope to gain more knowledge in all of the subjects that we do.”

In addition to our growing student body, our faculty and staff have grown too. It would be an understatement to say that we value each and every one of the educators and administrators at The Redeemer’s School. They passionately dive in and make TRS operate like clockwork.  


I think it is safe to say we all hoped and prayed that this horrific COVID-19 pandemic would be long gone by now, but that is not our reality. My prayer is that the Lord will comfort and heal those impacted by this disease and protect all families sending their children back to school. May the Lord bless this school year.


New Faces, New Spaces at TRS


Introducing Mrs. Moore, Interim Head of School