Introducing Mrs. Moore, Interim Head of School

The Redeemer’s School is overflowing with God’s faithfulness as we are blessed to have so many kind and skilled educators. Mrs. Lisa Moore, who is truly at the top of the list, joined The Redeemer’s School as the Principal in 2020. 

The Pine Bluff, Arkansas native, who now serves as Interim Head of School, is a veteran in the field of education. She is equipped with more than three decades of experience in academia. That experience includes sixteen years as a speech language pathologist and eighteen years as an Assistant Principal. With her experience, kindness and care, The Redeemer’s School is confident in Mrs. Moore’s leadership as we enter into what looks like another year of fighting COVID-19.

Taking things back some … Mrs. Moore moved to Jackson, MS in 1977 to attend college at Jackson State University. It was here that the proud alumna earned her Bachelors of Science in Speech Communication and Masters of Arts in Leadership. Even more significantly, Jackson State is where Mrs. Moore met her husband Jeffery. The couple married on July 17, 1984 and raised two sons, Kyle and Justin. Mrs. Moore is also the proud mother-in-love to Latoya and grandmother to three grandchildren, Kennedy, Jeffery and Hannah.

When it comes to TRS, Mrs. Moore is passionate about each student and their progression. She says, “I know TRS has the potential to compete with any independent school in the city of Jackson. Academically, I  was able to see some things that can help us grow. I want to make sure as children pass through [TRS] that they are proficient and can go to any school that they want to and be competitive.”

While we don’t know what this year will hold in terms of the pandemic, we know one thing for sure. God has been and will continue to be faithful. His faithfulness brought Mrs. Moore to us and will continue to equip her and The Redeemer’s School with all that we need as we enter into this new academic year.


Welcome Back to School!


Summer Enrichment at TRS