When Redeemer Church formed in 2004, God had already begun stirring the hearts of His people to embrace meaningful ways to demonstrate His extravagant love to people living in the surrounding Broadmoor & Broadmeadow communities off of Northside Drive in Jackson. A once vibrant, desirable area of the city, the neighborhoods surrounding the church had experienced an exodus that resulted in deterioration, blight, and crime.

The Lord placed an idea on the hearts of the founding church leadership to create an urban, Christian school that would target the unique needs of families in the surrounding neighborhoods; families that otherwise wouldn’t have access to an excellent, independent, gospel-centered education. But to start such a school would take a significant investment of money that the young church did not have at the time.

Following years of discussion and earnest prayer, the plans to launch an urban, Christian school were put on pause indefinitely due to a lack of facility space and the necessary finances, even though it remained part of the church’s long-term vision. But God had other plans.

Through a series of divine appointments, God provided the substantial & unexpected finances to launch and grow the school. With that gift, The Redeemer’s School was born with the goal of providing excellent educational experiences from a biblical worldview in a safe, urban environment for a tuition price that was accessible for families in the surrounding community. When TRS launched in the fall of 2014, we welcomed 42 students in K4, K5, and 1st grades. The Redeemer’s School has experienced explosive growth since then with a student enrollment of 139 students in K4 through 8th grades. 

Through the years, our founding donors have continued to provide financial support, while other individuals, churches, businesses, and foundations have embraced the invitation to partner with us in our mission. It is our prayer that God will be glorified as He continues to lead those He has called to be part of the work He is doing at The Redeemer’s School.