Summer Enrichment at TRS

In the midst of summer break, the halls of The Redeemer's School continue to be filled with children's laughter and conversation, thanks to the school's summer enrichment program. "The purpose of The Redeemer’s School Summer program is to provide our students with an engaging, extensive, and intentional learning environment using scientifically proven programs to meet the needs of our students," says TRS Academic Interventionist, Mrs. Pe'Quawana Davis.

 TRS summer school teachers include, Mrs. Davis (Reading/Social Studies), Mrs. Avious Metcalfe (Math/STEM), Mrs. Brandi Benjamin (Instructional Support Staff) and Ms. Morgan Barber (Online Enrichment Teacher/ Technology). When you walk into one of their classrooms, you'll notice the teachers engaging with their students through fun and interactive lessons.


Continued learning is so important during the summer because, "According to research, students lose about 2 months of reading skills and 2-½ months of math skills over the summer break," says Mrs. Davis. During the TRS summer enrichment program, Mrs. Davis says that she and her fellow educators hope "that each student will show at least 3 months of growth in both subject areas."


Some may say supplemental learning opportunities, like summer school, are even more important this year because of the learning gaps many students faced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While children's bodies have not been impacted by COVID to the same degree as adults, our young people have certainly endured a great deal of complex change in a short period of time. "Our students have been the real HEROES this school year. They have turned every obstacle that they have faced into a building block for success. Words cannot express how proud I am of them. With that being said, we are working hard to provide our students with the continued academic support that they deserve to help them along their academic journey to success," says Mrs. Davis. 

 The TRS summer enrichment program ends on Thursday, July 1st. 


Introducing Mrs. Moore, Interim Head of School


Discovery Week at TRS