TRS Food Drive Tremendous Success
Each year, our school community rallies together around a specific project that fulfills a need for residents in our city. One of the five pillars of our TRS Thriving Index is Community Engagement which is rooted in Mark 12:31 where Jesus shares that the second greatest commandment is to ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’. This school-wide service project is a wonderful way for our students to actively participate in meeting tangible needs as an expression of loving for our neighbors.
Before the Christmas break, our students & families participated in a canned food drive in partnership with Stewpot. Collectively, our school collected 233 items that were used by Stewpot to distribute more than 800 Christmas meals during the month of December!
Canned food items donated by our TRS students.
A wide variety of Christmas Meal staples were donated by our students, from canned yams, cranberry sauce, and cake mix to mac n' cheese, dressing, and bags of flour for food prep. Our school also purchased a whole turkey from each class represented in the food drive.
While TRS has been providing opportunities for students to give back to the community since 2014 when we launched, this was our second consecutive year partnering with Stewpot to support their Christmas Meal food drive.
Stewpot employees and volunteers were encouraged to hear that our students were rallying together to help serve residents in our city, and were incredibly thankful for all of the contributions.
TRS students had an all around eagerness and excitement to bring in the donations that they had purchased.
We appreciate all of our families embracing this wonderful opportunity to love our neighbors as ourselves!