All TRS Teachers, Google Level 1 Certified

The current COVID-19 pandemic has without a doubt showered the world with overwhelming grief, chaos at times and uncertainty. But, in the midst of the darkness, ironically many people have experienced the emergence of positivity and light. From a personal standpoint, thanks to technology and extended time at home, I have been more connected to family and seen them more during COVID than ever before.

From a more societal standpoint, the abrupt and early end to the last school year yielded stress for many parents and students. Institutionally, educators were left with the daunting task of figuring out how to provide students with a proficient academic routine, while keeping everyone as safe as possible. While some schools were already equipped with virtual learning options, that was not the case for TRS. Thankfully, though, TRS leadership created and executed a virtual model to allow students to learn from home. 

Teacher training was a significant component of this virtual upgrade and our teachers were expected to become Google Level 1 certified.  I’m excited to share that ALL of our classroom teachers, along with Mr. Robert Akin and Mrs. Claire Howell, have earned this three-year certification! “Currently, we have many of our assistant teachers interested in becoming certified as well,” says TRS Innovative Learning Strategist, Mrs. Leanna Range-Norwood.

Mrs. Newell sharing her Google Level 1 certification.

Mrs. Newell sharing her Google Level 1 certification.

TRS uses Google’s, “G-Suite for Schools,” as the school’s virtual medium. Having everyone on the same page and speaking the same “virtual language,” so to speak, is a big plus. Mrs. Range-Norwood says, “The certification process taught us how to use Documents, Sheets, Forms, Jamboard, and a few other tools which come with the G-Suite for Schools. It allowed us to have a common foundation upon which to build our conversations, align skills, and strengthen our practice. The certification allows us to brag about how knowledgeable and flexible our teachers are in learning new things.”

During such an uncertain season, the Lord has kept The Redeemer’s School afloat. He has also allowed us to navigate and climb some mountains, like virtual learning — an avenue embedded in the silver lining of this atrocious pandemic. Mrs. Range-Norwood says, “I am thankful that our students have the opportunity to be embraced by this technology. The teachers and students have a solid foundation to build their classroom conversations.” 

TRS teachers are one of a kind. They are fiercely passionate about our students and open to continued learning in an effort to provide TRS students with the best of the best. Teachers, thank you for your hard work and dedication to providing our students with the tools they need for success. I pray you reap the benefits of your labor and love as educators, sooner than later.  In the meantime, keep up the great work and thank you for all you do!


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