Spelling Champ, RJ Garner, Makes TRS History
Do you remember the last time you were genuinely excited and thrilled about something happening or soon to occur? Perhaps it was a vacation or connecting with a friend or family member you hadn’t seen in years. Or, what about getting married or welcoming a new baby?! I look forward to many of those life events in the years to come, but the root of my most recent joyous moment unveiled on the Jackson Prep campus where 10 year-old TRS student, RJ Garner won the MAIS District III Fourth Grade Spelling Bee!
RJ representing TRS at the MAIS District III Spelling Bee.
My heart was racing as I sat on the edge of my seat, admittedly using my cell phone as a distraction from the nervousness I felt. In contrast, RJ confidently progressed, spelling words I’m not so confident I would spell correctly as an adult. Put me in those shoes as a fourth grader and I’m certain there is a good chance I would have passed out from fear. But, focusing on the present, let me continue introducing you to RJ, a really cool kid who embodies lots of talents, including a gift for spelling well!
RJ showcasing his First Place Spelling Bee ribbon.
RJ says he enjoys typical 10 year-old activities, like playing basketball and video games, drawing, reading, and playing outside with his dog Benjamin. The spelling champ also looks forward to recess and having all sorts of fun with his 7 year-old sister Leah and their close friend Wilkes. When asked what he enjoys most about school, RJ shares, “I like that every year new kids come and I get to make new friends.”
When it comes to spelling, the fourth grader recalls moments from earlier in his childhood that encouraged him to excel to where he is today. Upon learning about the initial TRS classroom spelling bee, RJ acknowledges that he had some hesitancy in participating at first, “but I remember when I was younger, my mom would ask me to spell a word. After she would say it, I would come pretty close and she told me I might be a pretty good speller … and I decided to go for it.”
And we are so happy you went for it RJ!!
After placing in his classroom spelling bee, RJ and several other students in grades 4th-6th advanced to the TRS spelling bee on November 16th. RJ, along with TRS classmates, Lila, Chayse, Joshua, and Kamron moved forward to represent TRS in the spelling bee at Jackson Prep. Let me just say that we are so proud of each student who represented TRS during our inaugural spelling bee season!
TRS Spelling Bee winner’s, Lila, RJ, Chayse, Joshua and Kamron after the Spelling Bee at Jackson Prep.
In preparation for the spelling bees, “I studied for a long time on a certain page of words with my dad. He tested me on them, and we would go back and forth studying,” says RJ. The MAIS semi-district spelling bee took place on December 2nd. RJ admits feeling nervous, but reminded himself of something his dad often tells him: “When you are nervous or fear something, you’re typically imagining things that aren’t going to happen.”
RJ completing work in class.
With that wisdom in mind, RJ sat on stage with students from several other schools and slowly, but surely students were eliminated. When the contest got down to RJ and another speller, I was really about to burst as the two went back and forth having difficulty with some pretty advanced words … and then the announcer introduced the word “maraca.” RJ’s competitor misspelled the word, but this is a word RJ was familiar with. “It's a weird word, but I read it in books and stuff,” says RJ, who remembers seeing the word in one of his cousin’s books about instruments. After successfully spelling “maraca,” the announcer gave RJ the word “ledger,” and with that RJ made TRS history as the first student to win a district spelling bee!!!!!!!!!!
The audience in the auditorium remained pretty tame, but I clapped as loudly as I could without making too much commotion! In that moment I felt what I imagine parents feel when their child talks or walks for the first time. I was so proud as RJ walked off the stage, took a sigh of relief, and sat down seemingly in awe of his feat. On January 15th our spelling champ took the stage again, competing in the MAIS Overall Spelling Bee at Hartfield Academy, where he once again made us all beyond proud.
RJ on stage representing TRS at the Spelling Bee at Hartfield Academy.
In conclusion, I want to share the response RJ shared with me when I asked him what is one of the most important lessons he’s learned in life so far. His response is, “Listening to your parents because they are going to tell you stuff to do and even when it’s hard it’s still good for you. They give you information you may need for the future.” He goes on to say that children often want to be grown-ups too soon, but his parents are instilling in him the importance of not rushing and enjoying and appreciating ‘right now’.”
RJ, you are wise beyond your years. Continue enjoying the gift of childhood, do the best you can in all that you do, and thank you for representing The Redeemer’s School while being authentically you!