Summer Enrichment At TRS

At TRS, the joy of learning doesn't stop over the summertime. Qualifying students were invited to continue to come together during this year's Summer Enrichment Program (SEP). 

“Our SEP is an opportunity to enhance our students’ skills in math, writing, ELA, and computer literacy,” Head of School Mr. Kelle E. Menogan, Sr. said. “In addition to academics, our students get to participate in Redeemer Church’s youth programs, and we are currently working with them to find additional opportunities beneficial for our students and their families.” 

The free program is hosted on the TRS campus from 8-12, M-T during June, and includes breakfast and lunch. Program Coordinator, Science, and Math Teacher Mr. Glenn Robinson believes that the SEP is essential for early learners to retain information from the previous year and boost confidence. 

"The SEP is unique to TRS because the only way to develop transformational leaders is to reach them academically, emotionally, mentally, socially, and spiritually," Mr. Robinson said. "We want all of our students to be successful, and by giving these students the extra opportunity to do that in SEP, we believe we can continue to develop and enrich their minds." 

This time for fellowship and learning together is what makes SEP so proactive in promoting development over the next school year and beyond. 

"As the Program Coordinator and a TRS Educator, the most encouraging aspect is to be able to give students the additional help they need and not just let them slip behind," Mr. Robinson said. "By putting this program in place, we continue to meet our vision and mission." 

Like all of the instructors at TRS, Mr. Robinson wants each of his students to know and embrace all that they are capable of for the glory of God and His Kingdom. 

Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us, - Ephesians 3:20 (AMP) 

"I want all students and families to come into this school year with high expectations and know that no matter what is going on or what level a student starts on, God is that outlier that can do more than we could ever think of," Mr. Robinson said. "I am going to encourage and push my students to be the best they can be and let them know that God has so much in store for them.” 

“I am very excited to begin our new school year, and I know our teachers and staff also share that excitement,” Mr. Menogan said. “On August 9, we will open our doors to almost 150 students, which includes our first class of 8th graders. Over the summer, our teachers have worked extremely hard to make several enhancements to our curriculum that we hope continues to improve the overall learning experience. We are thankful that the Lord has brought

us safely through the summer, and we continue to lift everyone in prayer in hopes of a safe and enjoyable school year.” 

Let's make this the best year yet!

Lane Beasley

Mr. Lane Beasley joined The Redeemer’s School in 2020. Mr. Beasley currently serves as the Chief Advancement Officer & Associate Head of School.


Start of a New School Year


Middle School Trip to Two Mississippi Museums