Introducing The Thriving Index

All parents want to provide their child with every opportunity to have a happy and successful life. They desire to see their child grow up and become whatever they want to be without limitations; to see their children thrive, not merely survive. And one of the foundational elements that most contributes to the future trajectory in the life of a child is receiving an excellent education.

At TRS, we believe in providing an excellent educational experience for our students. An education marked by academic rigor, individual student achievement, and academic instruction that is informed and shaped by data. However, we do not believe the success of our institution can be summed up in test scores alone. In the same way, we do not believe the value of a child can be reduced how they perform on tests.

So if academics alone are not the measure of success at TRS, what is success at TRS?

As a biblical worldview school, we believe that the Bible is the lens that God has provided to us to be able to interpret the world around us and inform how we engage the world. So if we desire to know the definition of success, it makes sense that we would seek the answer in God’s Word.

In Mark 12, we see an exchange between Jesus and one of the teachers of the law. The teacher of the law posed this question to Jesus, “What is the greatest commandment?”

Hear how Jesus responds:

Love the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your mind and with all of your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.
— Mark 12:30-31

We desire to structure our programs in such a way that our students are able to experience growth & development in their heart, their soul, their mind, their strength, and in loving their neighbor. And why do we desire to see our students develop in these areas? So that they can be better able to love the Lord their God.

The Redeemer’s School has crafted what we call the ‘Thriving Index’ that takes this framework to inform how we define and refine our measure of success as a school.

HEART | Emotional Health
SOUL | Spiritual Formation
MIND | Academic RIGOR
STRENGTH | Physical Development
SERVICE | Community Engagement

Over the next several weeks, we will be unpacking the specific and intentional investments our school has made to allow our students to progress in these specific areas over the 21-22 academic year.

Lane Beasley

Mr. Lane Beasley joined The Redeemer’s School in 2020. Mr. Beasley currently serves as the Chief Advancement Officer & Associate Head of School.


Academic Rigor | 3D


Celebrating Ms. Hillery’s TRS Impact