Introducing Our New Mascot

Did you know we have a mascot? Most folks may know that we are the TRS Lions. But we haven’t ever spent time to develop a logo for our Lion to help generate a relational connection that would strengthen our school community in a fun, engaging, and exciting way. Until now!

For the last several months, our Leadership Team has worked with a design studio that specializes in graphic design to help capture the essence of what our Lion could be. They did a masterful job presenting our leadership with different interpretations for what we hoped to achieve. Some were fierce and aggressive while another seemed calm, peaceful, and docile. Each version had their own unique emphasis for what a Lion mascot could represent for our school. But there was one visual of a lion that had the perfect description: “restrained strength”.

There are certain aspects of our new lion mascot that we want to draw your attention to as we announce our new mascot.

  • Royalty | Lions have represented royalty for a long time. The crown on the top of the lion’s head is there to signify this (think King of the Jungle). As we think about scriptures that speak to our identity in Christ, we recognize that people who confess their sins, repent, and believe in Jesus as Savior and Lord are adopted into the family of God. Believers in Jesus are described as a ‘royal priesthood’. If we are believers and followers of Jesus, we inherit the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father, who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Royalty.

  • Redeemer | Our name says it all. TRS is The Redeemer’s School. And who is the Redeemer? Jesus. Jesus, is our Redeemer. He is described as the Lion of Judah who has all the power and authority under heaven. When he was arrested and brought to trail before enduring the penalty of our sins on the cross, he remained silent. He could have summoned legions of angels to his side and yet, he endured so that we might be redeemed & restored. In the logo, the Lion / Redeemer is looking toward The Redeemer’s School as if He is looking after our school community. Redeemer.

  • TRS | There is an “easter egg” in the logo that you might not notice right away. An easter egg is an unexpected element that is typically hidden in plain sight. The arrow in the middle of the Fed-Ex logo is an example of an easter egg. Take a look at the Lion’s mane. Can you see the ‘TRS’ in the fur? TRS stands for The Redeemer’s School, and we use it interchangeably when we talk about our school. We website domain is WeAreTRS so it was fun to see discover that element that was incorporated into our lion mascot. TRS.


We have already switched out the new logo on our exterior school entrance sign, and you may start to notice other expressions of incorporating our mascot into the branding of our school. We will be passing out free car decals next week as parents pass through the carpool line, and selling a couple of items with the new logo. This Fall, we are excited to roll out some new apparel options that incorporate our new mascot logo as optional purchases for jackets, hats, drink ware, and other branded products.

We are excited for how this new branding with allow us to celebrate “Lion Life'“ at TRS and how we can “Live Like A Lion”.

Aslan is a lion- the Lion, the great Lion.”

”Ooh” said Susan. “I’d thought he was a man. Is he-quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion”...

”Safe?” said Mr Beaver ...”Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.
— C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobete Source
Lane Beasley

Mr. Lane Beasley joined The Redeemer’s School in 2020. Mr. Beasley currently serves as the Chief Advancement Officer & Associate Head of School.


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