The Redeemer's School

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Student Spotlight: Meet Julian Erving

Julian Erving, an outspoken and kind fifth grader came to The Redeemer’s School as a four year-old in K4. When it comes to TRS, Julian says, “I love the classes; they help me grow my mind and get smarter.” Julian says math is his favorite subject because it’s fun to learn about money. He says he also enjoys art, computer, and S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Voting rights, adding multiples of ten, elements of physics related to volume, matter, mass, and poetry are all lessons Julian says he’s currently learning. The ten year-old says what he loves most about TRS are his teachers and friends.

While adulthood is years ahead of him, Julian already has a diverse set of potential career interests, including becoming a lawyer and a clothing designer. Julian is interested in pursuing law to secure justice for all. He says his mother and grandmother have taught him that it’s always right to help innocent people who have been judged incorrectly. These discussions have spurred Julian’s desire to help people who have been falsely accused. Concerning becoming a clothing designer, Julian says he’s thinking about this career because he likes different types of clothing and colors.   

When Julian isn’t in school or mapping out his future, he enjoys having fun like a typical 10 year-old boy. He says he enjoys playing basketball, football, riding his bike, drawing, and spending time with his family. If you attend Redeemer Church, perhaps you’ve seen Julian before. On Sunday mornings Julian says he likes to wake up early, “cook breakfast and go to church to sing and listen to the good word of God,” before coming home to rest. 

In his decade here on earth Julian has certainly learned a lot and been a blessing to many. The TRS fifth grader says, “The biggest thing I have learned in life from The Redeemer’s School and my family is to love God always, no matter what and always to treat others with respect.”

Julian, keep up the good work; I can’t wait to see what path the Lord leads you on!