The Redeemer's School

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Student Poets Compete in Nationwide Contest

The television show, “Kids Say the Darndest Things,” always makes me laugh because children literally almost always say the darndest things! Children are often very expressive and share the funniest, most intelligent and honest comments. I write these initial thoughts to say that hearing children express their thoughts reminds me of the beauty of the young, unfiltered imagination and lack of restraint children often possess. These traits, typical of children, are often best articulated on paper.   

TRS Language Arts instructor Mrs. Bliss Newell is shaping her students to become comfortable with the written expression of their thoughts. At the beginning of the school year, TRS 3rd through 6th grade students were asked to showcase their creativity through poetry. The poems were submitted to a nationwide contest hosted by Appelley Publishing. “By participating in the poetry contest, I hope my students gain pride in their work and confidence to share their thoughts,” says Mrs. Newell. 

Mrs. Newell allowed her students to submit free-form or rhyme scheme poems into the contest. She says it’s her understanding that all the poems will be published in a book. Here’s a peek at poetry from a couple of our young and imaginative poets:

What It Feels Like to Be Bored
By Quddus Abdul-Haqq, 5th Grade

 When there is something you aren't interested in, it most likely will make you bored. 
When there's the moment you knew that you were going to stay in the location for a while.
When everyone around you is a lot busier than you think and makes too much noise. 
When things end up as boring as watching paint dry on the wall.
But things don't last often for your non-interest because the bored feeling in you will
Even though you have freedom, there will be another boring moment coming in your way again.
Don't worry though, as you don't have to focus on that right now, you can just enjoy your day.
Life is a life everyone deserves and even if they don’t deserve it they will always think back not living in one. 

By Nico Eddleman, 5th Grade

I was walking on a trail.
And then I slipped,
And fell on my tail,
But only after I flipped.
I got up and noticed,
From head to toe,
I was covered in mud,
And was on the ground like a lotus.
My day had become a dud.

Mrs. Newell says she is expecting to learn who the winners are by April. Regardless of who the selected winners are, we are proud of each one of our students for sharing their giftedness and creativity. Keep it up; this is only the beginning!