The Redeemer's School

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Spring Sports in Full Swing!

There is nothing quite like the noise of excitement during a basketball game on a blistering, cold, Winter morning, wouldn’t you say? And don’t you love the reverberating sound of a room full of 30 students bouncing tennis balls simultaneously? Have you ever heard a 6th grader student’s delighted roar after landing a hole in one? Well you certainly might have encountered one or all of these experiences this Spring at The Redeemer’s School. 

Spring sports are in full effect this semester with the start of our new afterschool Tennis Club, our new TRS Golf Team, as well as a renewed partnership with a sister school that offered our Third Grade Students the opportunity to play in their intramural Basketball League. Mr. Robert Akin, Director of Student Life, has helped manage this expansion of all of these new endeavors to expand the programmatic offerings available to our students. Tennis and Golf, which meet after school two days per week, allow students an opportunity to learn key skills about each sport. 

“We’re all about opening doors of opportunity… so it was really important to bring these particular sports that can be held on our campus to our students,” says Mr. Akin. He goes on to note that, “our hope is to create a space where students can come and learn a new sport that they can engage with casually for the rest of their lives. It’s all about exposure.”

This is exactly true to Mr. Glenn Robinson, who coaches the Golf Team. Our 4th and 5th grade math and science teacher and golf enthusiast, picked up the sport while still in school and still enjoys it as an active hobby.

Ms. Vanecca Green, who coaches the Tennis Club, is an attorney as well as the captain of the Battlefield Tennis Community Association. Green founded the nonprofit Friends of Battlefield Park Foundation which hopes to improve the health and wellness of the community.

TRS students are no strangers to the athletics program at Christ Covenant School, a sister school and ministry of Pear Orchard, PCA. We are incredibly grateful for their partnership over the years as they’ve welcomed our students with open arms into many sports opportunities including flag football and basketball for both girls and boys. Mr. Akin notes that relationships like these allow TRS students to experience sports that our campus facilities don’t yet have capacity to provide. 

Sports and extracurricular activities are part of our school’s strategy of providing a holistic development for our students through the Body | Physical Development emphasis of our Thriving Index. Much thought, prayer, and planning goes into expanding the services we can offer our students but the best part is that according to 4th grade Casey Austin, they’re having “FUN!”