The Redeemer's School

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Family Shares Priceless Gifts with TRS

I’m always up for a good and fun adventure and that’s exactly what I experienced upon arrival at the home of Brad and Allison Shaw! Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to get to know the Shaw family better through teaching their daughters Caitlin and Madeline Sunday School at Redeemer Church, PCA. 

As I entered the Shaw’s house, the very excitable family dog, a Whippador named Biscuit, got loose from someone’s hands. As any loving dog does, Biscuit who probably appeared much larger than he really is, galloped (or so it seemed) towards me to greet me with sniffs, tail wags, and an abundance of energy. As Biscuit was losing his free range in the house to accommodate my visit, 10-year-old Caitlin, often called Cait and her 7-year-old sister, affectionately called Maddie, were free from virtual school for the day. The girls draped the house with giggles and delightful childhood laughter, having the time of their lives dressed in some type of fairy-like costumes. After this lively welcome, Allison, who I rarely see without a beaming smile, welcomed me into her kitchen where I enjoyed some of a most delicious Bundt cake. 

 Now, in position to learn more about the family (Biscuit was now resting in his own space), Brad, who works as a worker’s compensation insurance defense attorney, shared some family history. As the child of a pastor, in a sense he is from all over the U.S. because his father moved to and from different churches. Born in South Dakota, (which is cool to me because I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone from South Dakota) Brad grew up mostly in Oklahoma and also spent some time in New Mexico. He moved to Jackson, MS, in 2001 to attend college at Belhaven University. It was there during his freshman year that he met Allison Gatlin, who was born in Tupelo and raised in rural Madison County. The couple married in 2007.  Brad started attending Redeemer shortly after the church was planted in 2005. He says he was one of the inaugural members in the first membership class. Allison followed suit by joining Redeemer in 2008.

As members of Redeemer, the Shaws became familiar with The Redeemer’s School, often referred to as TRS. Brad shared he had always been excited about the school, loved the mission, and wanted to see the community served through the school. For a season, Allison who now works at Huntcliff Veterinary Clinic, homeschooled her daughters and during that time she and the girls would support special programs at the school.  “I just loved it” and “I remember thinking how much I enjoyed the community of the school even before we were a part of the school,” says Allison. 

While homeschooling is a great option for some families, it was not the best option for the Shaw family. As homeschooling ran its course, the Shaws were sold on the vision of The Redeemer’s School as an option for their daughters. Allison says, “We knew our children would be challenged educationally and in a multiplicity of ways, but it would always come back to Jesus.” TRS Head of School, DeSean Dyson, shared how The Redeemer’s School is not simply looking for students to achieve academically, but cares deeply about nurturing the holistic wellness of the child, which includes intentional emphasis on Christian teaching. The concept “blew my mind,” Allison said. Eventually, the Shaws enrolled their daughters into TRS where both girls have progressed well. Brad and Allison give unconditional kudos to each teacher who has patiently helped their girls advance.

Prior to ever enrolling Cait and Maddie in TRS, Brad and Allison cared enough about the mission of The Redeemer’s School to sow financially into TRS, and they continue to do so today. TRS is so incredibly grateful for the Shaws support to our ministry, but the biggest gift they have shared with us are their girls. Allison and Brad, thank you so much for not only pouring into our community, but for intentionally becoming a part of it.